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Welcome to 

Troop 2003


Click on Read More to see a full calendar of upcoming events.


15-19 Summer Camp

26 Ultimate Frisbee (Carter)



10  Capture the Flag (Connor)

17 Pottery MB

24 Pottery MB

31  Cycling to Golden (Dallen)



7  Adventure Golf (Luca)

14  Troop BBQ

15 Jeffco First day of school

21 Troop Meeting (A)

28 Summer CoH (A)



11 Troop meeting (B)

18 Troop meeting  (A)

25 Troop meeting (B)



2 Troop meeting (A)

9 Troop meeting  (B)

16 Troop meeting (A)

23 Troop meeting  (B)

30 Troop meeting (A)



6 Troop meeting  (B)

13 Troop meeting (A)

20  Thanksgiving week outing (TBD)

27  Fall CoH



4  Troop holiday party TBD



All Monday Troop Meetings start at 7pm unless otherwise indicated.

Bold Italics= Troop Outing/Camping (Red indicates overnight camping). 

Bold = Special Event

Green Bold= Merit Badge day/event


Please see the email that was sent out on 8/10 regarding new procedures for Merit badges and rank advancement, along with uniform information.

Spring 2023 Themes:

First Aid

Personal Management



MB Saturday will be:




Stay tuned for further details.  Workbooks will be posted in the Members Only page.

Congratulations to the 4 boys who earned Eagle in 2020:

Cruz L, James R, Nick K, and Josh R. 

And to those who have earned Eagle in 2021:

Gage P,  Josh M, and Noel G.

Eagles in 2022:

Caleb L and Skyler N.

Who's next?

USA 416 at WSJ19



• Character Development Boy Scouting works toward three aims. One is growth in moral strength and character. We may define this as what the boy is himself: his personal qualities, his values, his outlook.

• Citizenship A second aim is participating citizenship. Used broadly, citizenship means the boy's relationship to others. He comes to learn of his obligations to other people, to the society he lives in, to the government that presides over that society.

• Fitness A third aim of Boy Scouting is development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body (well-tuned and healthy), the mind (able to think and solve problems), and the emotions (self-control, courage, and self-respect).

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